Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our fragrance or stink?

I recently finished up the James Bible Study by Beth Moore with a friend from work. It has been incredible and sooooo convicting. This quote really spoke to me:

"James wrote for people serving actively, openly, and humbly right in the world's thick, pungent pollution. So, how on earth do we serve in it without smelling like it? With serious discipline and determination, that's how. With courage and deep conviction. With a large daily dose of the Holy Ghost. You don't live this kind of life accidentally. You make up your mind who you want to be and daily die to the rest. You surrender yourself to living in the tension where you'll always be stretched and often be broken. Religion pure and undefiled is grit without the grime. You accept that far easier ways to live exist, but you were born for nothing less. And when we sniff ourselves and smell the world, we run to the One who can wash us."

Lord, this is my prayer that I DAILY, MOMENT BY MOMENT surrender to your Holy Spirit at work in my life-as scary as it might sometimes be. Help me to be open to all that You would have me do each day-to see every opportunity you place in front of me for what it is-a chance to share Your love and hope in tangible ways that ultimately lead others to Your saving grace.