Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cultivating a Soldier Soul

“The evangelization of the world is a desperate struggle with the Prince of Darkness and with everything his rage can stir up in the shape of obstacles, vexations, oppositions, and hatred, whether by circumstances or by the hand of man. It is a serious task. Oh, it should mean a life of consecration.”     -Francois Coillard, missionary of the Zambesi in Africa

“He made Himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant.” Phi. 2:7  “Pray that we may get down to the bottom of that verse,” Amy Carmichael wrote home to some of her prayer warriors back home.  Then we shall be in a position to ask our India brethren to come down and join us for Jesus’ sake.  Pray that we are who are His sworn soldiers abroad may throw our kid gloves to the winds and FIGHT!”  

This is indeed my prayer, our team’s prayer, as we begin facilitating a bush training for African church planters.  It is going to be an exciting time as God has orchestrated exactly who He wants to participate.  It will be a time of hard work.  Even the past month as we have prepared to leave South Sudan for almost 4 months has been difficult.  Knowing that we will not see these precious young believers and churches for that duration of time is difficult.  In fact, it seems like Satan has attacked one particular church, the mother church the most right now.  Although we have spent countless hours discipling and praying with the individuals involved it will not be resolved before we leave.  Many of the people involved are refusing to express humility and forgiveness toward one another. The senior pastor is in the city getting some medical issues taken care of and we are praying for him to return.  Then he will be able to address this issue in full and we are positive that God will use him to bring resolution and restore the peace in the church. Pastor Moses, the senior pastor, is a man of God and is gifted in discernment as well as conflict resolution by using scripture and the Dinka culture to relate to the people. We are praying that this will happen even in our absence.   

Dear Lord, it is so difficult to see the destruction the Prince of Darkness causes when Your children give him a foothold.  Yet, I know You are indeed more powerful.  Please help these young believers to swallow their pride and clothe themselves in love and grace and forgiveness.  In a country that has always known violence and destruction, let Your people rise up in Your Spirit so you may bring healing and restoration.  Nothing is impossible for You!

The South Sudanese people, especially the Dinka pride themselves on being soldiers.  In a matter of days they can put together a 10,000 men army.  We have been told a Dinka man will most likely not rob you but he will kill you.  Our first expat friend here warned us that a Sudanese man had no qualms about this.  During the history of decades of war, countless men and especially kids have seen untold horrors.  It makes me think what this people could do for Jesus if they only followed him completely.  If they allowed Jesus to totally and completely permeate their culture.  This is the hardest part of discipleship here-for the young believers to have the courage to turn away from generations of culture and instead FIRST follow Jesus and demonstrate Biblical culture. 

My prayer is like Amy’s years and years ago-Oh my God, please help us to truly be You to the believers here.  Only then can we ask the Dinka to come down and join us for Your sake.  Help us as your soldiers to throw off anything that hinders us and FIGHT for You!  Dear Lord, help us to lay aside our agendas and instead be servants for You.  In a culture where formality and “big men” and status are so important, give us courage, boldness, and discernment to love like You love Jesus-as we learn to speak their heart language sounding like a child most of the time.  As we often have to ask forgiveness of them as we commit some culture taboo we had no idea existed or there is some kind of language miscommunication that occurs.  I really, truly want to get to the bottom of Philippians 2:7, to serve like You serve so that the Dinka are transformed by Your power.  I consecrate my life to You dear Jesus, I pour out myself as a drink offering to You.  Fill me with Your presence, cultivate a soldier soul in me that I may not grow weary in doing good.  That I may press on towards the prize for which You have called me.  Oh Captain, my Captain lead me on and I will follow.

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