Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spiritual Warfare Involves Everyone-Even Children

Spiritual Warfare Involves Everyone-Even Children

Written February 18, 2013 during our Lotem, Uganda Bush Training

Today before class, Selvin and I shared with our team a prayer request about Abigail’s behavior.  She has been having temper tantrums and fits once or twice a day-sometimes age appropriate ones and other times waking her up from her naps or in the middle of the night.  We all prayed and I felt very encouraged.  My friend brought up the possibility of it being a spiritual warfare thing.  This got me thinking.  Later during a break between classes, another team member asked me the same thing-especially since it started happening since we began visiting the village of Labacoy.  She said she had read about missionary kids going through similar things.  

Could this be the reason Lord?  It totally makes sense.  Some of the fits started after we began going to Labacoy-Day 2 itself as we were there.  With all of the favor You have shown us in the village with our man of peace and all the hospitality, there has to be opposition from Satan.  We are smack dab in the thick of the war-for the souls of the lost.  I know there has to be opposition and what better way than for Satan to target where Selvin and I are most vulnerable-with our precious Abigail.  He knows this is also our biggest struggle as of late-Selvin and I being on the same page about Abby and discipline during this huge time of transition and struggling to deal with new behaviors we’ve seen in her.  I think back to how I almost had a huge fight with Selvin at the village after Abby’s 2nd episode and remember how I could feel the battle raging inside of me because I just knew that I couldn’t or our testimony would be lost.  I think back to how joyful I felt and encouraged after yesterday’s visit to the market to get supplies for the team, only to be met with Abby’s 2nd day of a violent fit that came as she awoke from her nap.  She woke up in a rage, throwing herself on the cot, and scratching her legs.  It took almost an hour for Selvin to calm her down.  

Lord, I know nothing happens by accident.  Please show me and Selvin Your plan in this and how to best combat it in a way that honors You.  Help us to continually pray Your Word over Abigail-keep us ever on our guard.  I never really took into account how spiritual warfare on the mission field could affect children-especially one as young as Abigail.  I know we can only battle this with Your help.  I thank You for giving me Ephesians 1:20 today:
“...that He worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.  And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.”

Lord, help us to rely on Your strength with all of our might and seek Your wisdom about this!  We know we cannot handle this on our own.

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