Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Second Chance

Written April 27, 2013
Lusaka, Zambia
40/40 Training

2 Timothy 4:1-2:  “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:  preach the word, be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

What an incredible day!  Dear Lord, I praise You that You have taught me so much today.  It was my prayer as I practiced and brushed up on our assignment of telling Creation to Christ that I would truly follow Your Holy Spirit.  Lord, You know my struggle about evangelism.  I feel You’ve revealed to me that I am often too worried about the outcome (with questions that plague me such as “is someone truly saved or not?  Do they really mean it?”, etc.) and I think I use this as an excuse sometimes not to share my faith at all.  When I am only responsible for my part-following in obedience-when You prompt me by the Holy Spirit I must open my mouth and speak!  I must be prepared “in and out of season”, ready at all times to give an answer for the peace I have.  I know it can’t be a formula in which I always share the same way.  That’s why I almost detest tracts, the 4 Spiritual laws, the Roman Road, the ABC’s of salvation, etc. (although we can certainly use the verses in the correct context and I praise You that despite our human errors You still use us to reach others for Your kingdom).  

In following and studying the example of Jesus we never see him use a formula-He met people exactly where they were and started from there-like if it was physical healing they needed:  the blind, deaf, mute, lame, etc.  I think of the rich young ruler who had followed the law all his life yet when Jesus told him to follow him he couldn’t because he wouldn’t let go of his riches.  I think of Zacchaeus as a tax collector who was seeking God and when Jesus ate at his house and shared with him he became not just a believer but also a follower of Christ.  I think of the woman at the well, who Jesus began a conversation with just by asking questions.  He followed her responses and further questions and then shared the Word. 

It’s truly beautiful how God works!  How He meets us where we are-knowing our sins and struggles and answers the questions most dear to our hearts.  He reveals what sin or idol is truly holding us back.  Oftentimes, Jesus didn’t even go to people-instead they came to him.  Like Nicodemus as a ruler of the Pharisees who came at night.  Yet he didn’t understand and we don’t have evidence (in the book of John at least) that he ever became a follower of Jesus.  

Lord, continue to impress on my heart the need to simply obey You in my witnessing-to be sensitive to Your spirit-looking for ways to share Your Good News.  May I be in Your presence so often and so deeply that I cannot help but share how great You are, Your daily grace You’re giving me, and what You’re teaching me.  
I praise You for today! In praying and talking to my team we decided to set out to find Irene (a lady who sells produce at an outdoor market we’ve had conversations with this week) and Maalachi’s house.  It took a lot of walking but we got to both places!  My partner Brooke shared with Irene Creation to Christ and after some further questions we found she was already a believer.  So we encouraged her to share this story with her fellow co-workers, family and friends.  Then we made it to Maalachi’s house.  He was sitting up on the side of his bed about to have bread and tea, looking remarkably stronger than our visit just a few days ago.  His dear mother was overjoyed to see us and his wife (Diane) and daughter were there too!  I had prayed for this on our walk over!  

After the customary African greetings, I asked if I could share a story with them and I shared Creation to Christ.  Thank You Jesus for giving me passion and remembrance for the story.  The whole family listened attentively.  As I finished I asked some questions like-had they heard this story before?  (Yes.) Did they believe it? (Yes.) I found that Diane was a believer and she told me she had led her husband to Christ during his sickness (it was unclear about whether it was during the month he was in the hospital or within the last few days).  It seemed more like the latter because Diane said Maalachi had made the decision as he began to get better.  I was very encouraged because Diane said she had told Maalachi his life would have to change in becoming a Christian and that it would not be easy to live as a follower of Christ.  We talked more about the cost of being a disciple and the price we must all pay.  But we also talked about the peace and joy that can only come from Him. Then we prayed!  

God, thank You so much for our visit today.  Thank You for a second chance to share with this family.  Strengthen and give courage to this dear family.  I pray You will strengthen Maalachi in his faith as a young believer.  Raise him up to the be the spiritual leader for his family.  I feel for Diane as a wife and mother and can’t imagine her challenges as a Christian in a family with AIDs.  Who knows if she and her daughter may have it as well from her husband.  Lord, please give her Your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding and hold her in Your arms always-especially during the harder days.  Keep her reliant on Your Holy Spirit and continue to increase her faith in You.  Keep her plugged into a community of believers and a church who can encourage her and hold her and her family accountable.  I probably won’t ever meet her again in this life time but I pray You will sustain her and her family and raise up believers in generations to come who are true worshipers of You.  May we all worship before Your throne together in glory!

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