Saturday, July 6, 2013

Praying for Rain in Kaabong

Simon Teko, Jeremy and Robert leading the prayer meeting for rain
Written June 6, 2013
Echelon Base Camp
Kaabong, Uganda
It is supposed to be rainy season here in Kaabong in the land of Karamojo.  However, the rains have not come for 2 months!  The Karamajong people are very worried because they had planted their crops at the beginning of the usual rainy season but since the rains have not come, the crops have not grown, resulting in starvation here.  The people have gone to witch doctors and made animal sacrifices-to no avail.  Our team leader Jeremy recommended to the local believers (specifically our 3 growing church planters Simon Teko, Ngloe, and Nalabae) that we gather and pray for rain.  So a call for prayer was sent out for people to join us at the rock (just up the drive way from our base camp and a local meeting place for the people) beginning a few mornings ago.  Jeremy opened up the prayer meeting by prophesying that God would send the rain TODAY if we prayed.  Selvin shared with me later that he had doubts when J proclaimed this and as they were praying he looked up and there was not a cloud in the sky-all sunny!  Simon Teko led them in singing some Karamajong Christian songs and Selvin said as they ended the singing he saw a small cloud rising in the east.  After the meeting our Echelon team sent out a call for prayer to our US partners through Facebook and Twitter.  And praise God within the hour He sent rain!
Karamajong women and children praising God for the rain!
For the past 3 days we have gathered every morning for prayer at the rock.  All 3 days it has rained! So many Karamajong nationals gathered to pray.  Thank You Jesus!  You have been multiplying the number of people who come every morning since we started a few days ago.  I know many may come out of curiosity but for whatever reason, let them come so they can see Your mighty working power!  
It’s so sad to see how worried everyone is here because of having planted their crops that won’t grow without rain.  Everyone is hungry.  It breaks my heart and I don’t know exactly how to deal with the ever growing need.  Give me wisdom!
The Karamojong have continued to meet and pray and God continues to bless them with rain.  Please keep praying for steady rains that soak into the ground so the crops can grow!  
Longolomoe (the widow who attempted suicide a year ago but God saved!)
She has been attending the prayer meetings.  Please pray for her salvation!

We are trying to provide supplemental work (like washing our cars) for our Karamajong Christian friends like Ngloe (he’s one of the national church planters in training and a language teacher).   The JIA (neighboring tribe who come at night to raid cattle, food, or goods) recently stole all of Ngloe’s remaining food and he has none to feed his family.  He shared with me yesterday that his wife is pregnant again like me.  I felt so honored that he told me this “secret” not normally expressed in African culture.

Selvin playing the drum during the singing!
God, I pray that we would be fervent in praying for rain and that we would teach the Karamajong believers this discipline and the necessity of seeking You and not the spirit world in desperation.  Isaiah (An elder and one of our friends who is interested in spiritual things but hasn’t made the decision to follow Christ completely) has been in the hospital for several weeks now very sick with malaria and is also suffering from a fall.  Previously before this sickness, Isaiah had sacrificed a bull under pressure from his people to try and cause the rains to come because he is the elder of this community.  

God, I pray Your power would continue to be revealed by sending rain and those who don’t know You would come to know You because of this provision in their lives.  I also lift up Isaiah and pray for healing and a saving faith to come to him. I pray for complete salvation in You and for him to be entirely separate from animism and synchronism.  Help Isaiah to see Your power through healing him and bringing rain.  I know that nothing is impossible for You!  

Abigail dancing while we praised God for the rain!  

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