Written March 24, 2013
Lotem, Uganda
Bush Training
This time next week we will be celebrating our bush training graduation in Kaabong! Wow!
Yesterday when Abby woke up from her nap she had one of her uncontrollable fits. And then last night she woke up twice-once at 11:30 pm and then at 3:30 am with two more of the same. She has not had these in weeks-but it happened the same day after we went to the village. It’s so frustrating because Selvin and I don’t know what to do. Most of the time she’s having it she doesn’t want to be held and is kicking and sometimes gasping for breath because she’s crying so hard. After these most recent episodes, we prayed over her and it finally stopped. But only after the first one lasted about 45 minutes and the last one about 30 minutes. Lord, give us wisdom for what we need to do. After the last one I put her in the bed with me. It took a while for her to fall back asleep she was so wide awake. We sang songs- “Jesus Loves Me”, “10,000 Reasons”, “Always”, “He’s Still Working on Me” and it really helped soothe her.
Lord, I praise You that by the last one Selvin and I were working together and not arguing about what to do or being rude to each other. I pray we would be unified in our parenting of Abigail so we can honor You in the way we raise her. Only You can help us triumph over this struggle Abby is facing currently-please show us the best way to help her during these ties and calm her-pointing her to You as her refuge and strength. We’ve been trying to tell her during these times to call on You to help her. I pray You would give us age appropriate words for us to teach her concerning You!
I pray Psalm 91:1-2 over her right now: as she dwells in the shelter of You the Most High, she will abide in the shadow of You the Almighty. Let her say to You oh Lord, You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
I pray Isaiah 54:17 over Abby and us right now: I thank You for Your amazing promise that no weapon fashioned against us will prosper and You will refute every tongue that rises against us in judgment. I praise You my God that You have promised this as our heritage as servants of You oh Lord and You will vindicate us!
I pray Psalm 4:8 over Abby: “In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” I thank You that You just gave me a song to teach Abby before she goes to bed each night and even before her nap times as needed based on this verse! Only You Jesus could give me the wisdom and idea for this. I pray it makes Your Word come alive for her as she begins to hide Your Word in her heart so she can bring it to mind when she needs it.
I pray Psalm 91:9-13 over Abby: “Because You have made the Lord your dwelling place-the Most High, who is my refuge-no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.”
How appropriate for us while we’re out here at bush training! Especially considering there are puff adder snakes-1 of which was killed less than a kilometer away just the other day.
I continue to pray Psalm 91:14-16 over us and Abby (that she might come to know You as her personal Savior): “Because he holds fast to Me in love, I will deliver him, I will protect him, because he knows My name. When he calls to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
I praise You for our special time tonight as a family before bed, with the light of our lantern, we read Psalm 91 together and we taught Abby the new song God gave me-”Jesus, Keep Me Safe in You”.
“Jesus, Keep Me Safe In You” (To the tune to twinkle, twinkle, little star)
In peace I will lie down and sleep
Jesus help me rest in You
On Your throne in heaven so high
But by my side as nights go by
In peace I will lie down and sleep
Jesus keep me safe in You
Abby loved it and kept wanting us to sing it over and over again so she could “learn my song”. Thank You Jesus!
The people from our village who came to graduation! |
We finished our bush training about a week later on March 30th. We had a big graduation feast and celebration where our team invited the Karamajong people of peace that God had given us in the surrounding villages over the past couple of months. We were able to share a meal with everyone- we roasted 2 goats and had sides of greens, posho and sweet potatoes. Our man of peace, Labacoy, came along with a few others from his village and we were able to present the gift of a goat head and skin to him. This is a huge honor in Karamajong culture here. All of us were so excited to be able to return the hospitality the people had shown us as we’ve gotten to know them! It is with bittersweet feelings that we ended this training. Yes, it had been HARD. The most difficult, most challenging thing Selvin and I had ever faced in our lives. But the lessons God taught us were definitely worth it. All of the sacrifices made were nothing in comparison to the abundant life we have found on a daily basis up here. We look ahead with excitement at what God will constantly teach us as He continues to develop a love for His lost people in Africa.